Weekly Training Update - 12 Weeks To Go

Here's the week 5 training update:

Week 5 target mileage: 37 miles
Week 5 actual mileage: 36.9 miles

Target cumulative miles through last week: 168 miles
Actual cumulative miles through last week: 162.9 miles
Variance: (5.14) miles

Training miles to go: 458

No long run last week as I split Saturday's 13 mile run into 2 separate runs (see Commitment......or Insanity).

This week will be my first 40 mile week, and I'm off to a good start with 9 miles on the treadmill here in Baltimore this morning. Next week is an 'off' week - I have to run *only* 37 miles; after that - 7 weeks in a row over 40 miles, peaking at 45. Yeow!

The NYRR/Nike NYC Half-Marathon is this coming Sunday, which will be a fun way to get in a long run.


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