Weekly Training Update - 4 Weeks To Go

Here's the week 13 training update:

Week 13 target mileage: 42 miles
Week 13 actual mileage: 37.4 miles

Target cumulative miles through last week: 505 miles
Actual cumulative miles through last week: 487.1 miles
Variance: (17.9) miles

Training miles to go: 121

Just four weeks to go until race day and one more week of training before the taper begins. In anticipation of the Queens Half-Marathon on Sunday I skipped one run (let's call it a mini-taper), leaving me five miles short of the week's target mileage. Over the past two weeks I've not felt great - either mentally or physically - and have had the sense that all the miles are taking their toll. The good news is the race went well and I'm feeling better. I'm optimistic about this week's training, which includes a 22 mile run on Saturday (which will be my longest run yet).

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