Weekly Training Update - 8 Weeks To Go

Here's the week 9 training update:

Week 9 target mileage: 41 miles
Week 9 actual mileage: 36.8 miles

Target cumulative miles through last week: 331 miles
Actual cumulative miles through last week: 325.1 miles
Variance: (5.93) miles

Training miles to go: 295

I took it a bit easy last week, reducing my mileage even more than what the training plan prescribed. The run last Monday was a little short given that I'd run 20+ miles the day before, and I cut Sunday's run short by two miles to have more time to spend with some friends who had stayed over Saturday night.

This week will be another 45 miles, including a 20 mile run on Saturday. I'll be on vacation in Connecticut so it will be a tough, hilly training period.


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