The Best Laid Plans.....

With just 109 days, 1 hour, and 40 minutes to go until the Chicago Marathon, I'm now into my official training schedule (more on that in a future post). The training program includes one day per week of speed training, and I set out today with plans to do my first fartleking (funny word, no?). Fartleking involves running short bursts of speed, say for two minutes, followed by a comparable amount of recovery time.

My original goal for the day was to do a full loop of Central Park with some fartleking around the reservoir. I've got a head cold though, and quickly realized it's hard to run when you can't breathe! I tried all the positive visualization exercises I could (thanks Amanda!), but even that didn't work, so midway through the run I decided to drop the reservoir loop and do the fartleking in the Central Park loop. After just two speed segments I felt woozy and lightheaded and decided not to push my luck. I will try again next week....

Zemanta Pixie


A. said…
Everyone has a bad run from time to time - that's what makes the good ones so great. Also, the positive visualization stuff is a long-term tool. You'll feel it working over the long haul... and you have a rather long (but joyous and healthy!!) haul to go!

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