600 Miles....and Counting

It seems like just yesterday that I passed the 500 mile mark for 2008. I'm now up to 600 and feeling great; surprisingly, my knees feel better today than they did before I moved the mileage up to 30+ miles per week.

Though the knees are good I am fighting a new challenge: blisters. I'm hoping it's a phase that will pass as my feet get used to running in the hot weather. The blisters aren't so bad I have to stop running - yet - but it's something to watch and manage carefully. Fortunately the New York Times ran an article (At Trail’s End, There’s Nothing Like Happy Feet )recently on caring for blisters, so I've got some new remedies/protective measures to try. I'm also experimenting with different socks and Bodyglide on my feet for long runs. If you've got any other ideas, please let me know!
Zemanta Pixie


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