One Must Remain Flexible

IMG_5423, originally uploaded by aweber9.

Mrs. Longest Run and I had separate plans tonight, and with the regular babysitters unavailable, Elizabeth and Sarah were watched by someone they know and like but who is unfamiliar with the regular evening routines.

Tonight's routines were off in any case as it was the grand finale of Season 7 of American Idol, and we'd agreed the girls could stay up for the first hour of the final show (which would take them to an hour past their regular bedtime).

Once we were all home, we were swept up by the moment and agreed the girls could watch the entire show. Elizabeth, of course, had to amend the schedule she'd mapped out for the babysitter.

Though we were split between the two Davids (I wanted Cook to win, Katherine wasn't sure, and the daughters wanted Archuleta to win), we were all ultimately pleased with the final outcome. This is the first season I've watched a substantial number of the shows, and it's been a lot of fun. Elizabeth and Sarah joined late in the process; since we really enjoyed watching together, we're already looking forward to the return of the show in January.


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